As a service to our parents, Spring Valley Academy provides a supervised extended After-School Care program for students in grades Kindergarten through sixth grade (K-6). This program is for ALL STUDENTS in K-6 who do not leave the school by 3:30 pm (M-Th)  (or 2:30 pm Friday). There is a fee for the service, which is either pre-paid or billed as part of the monthly statements depending on the Aftercare option you choose. Recognizing that parents desire this service on a regular daily basis or on a shorter frequency, there are three options to choose from:

  1. Drop-in or per diem rate charged per half hour rate
  2. Flexible prepaid stamp card rate
  3. Monthly contracts for those who want to use the service at least 3 days per week.  This will be the most economical option.

Under the current Internal Revenue Service regulations, certain fees for Aftercare may be tax deductible. Please check with your tax advisor for additional information.

Hours:   Monday – Thursday 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Friday 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Who is Eligible for After School Care?

Spring Valley Academy, under its charter with the State of Ohio, must provide adequate supervision for students enrolled at our school. Therefore, this program is only for students currently enrolled at SVA.

All students in Grades K-6 who have not left the campus by 3:30 p.m. (M-Th or 2:30 F) will be a part of the Aftercare program. If a K-6 student is found attempting to avoid Aftercare, they will be placed in the Aftercare Program and charged as if they arrived at the end of school and a notice will be sent to the parent(s).

Who Provides The Care and What is Provided?

Two adult Aftercare supervisors are well qualified to supervise your children by providing the following:

  • Close monitoring of the children to ensure the safety of each child
  • Sign in of students when they arrive after school and check them out when parents pick them up. Please remember to check your child out of Aftercare when you get your child from a Teacher’s classroom when they are doing work in there while in Aftercare
  • A daily snack
  • First aid attention to treat minor scrapes and bumps. In the event of an emergency, or bee sting, the supervisor will notify the parent(s) at home/work
  • Keep a list of all the parents’ cell/home/work numbers in case of emergencies. You should check with the supervisor to see that your contact information is current. Also, please inform them of any health conditions your child may have, e.g., allergies to food or otherwise, asthma, diabetes, etc.

How the Program is Run

The Aftercare program is run on an “A-B” Plan to provide a safe and fun environment for the children. The consequence plan is explained to the children and they receive checkmarks for the following items:

A Plan

  • Leaving the area of the supervisor without asking
  • Leaving Aftercare without checking out with the supervisor
  • If with a teacher, they must bring a note from the teacher stating the time they left that teacher

Students are allowed up to three (3) checks. Upon the third check, they will serve a fifty (50) minute time out. If these behaviors continue, the B Plan consequences will go into effect.

B Plan

  • No cell phones permitted in Aftercare (3:30-6:00 pm M-Th; 2:30-5 F). They must be checked in with the supervisor. First offense, cell phones will be taken away for two (2) days. Second offense, phone will be taken for one (1) week
  • No electronic devices: iPods, radios, CD players, MP3 players, pagers, TV sets, etc.  Electronic devices are not allowed at school. If these are brought, the Aftercare supervisors reserve the right to keep them until a parent picks up the child.

How Discipline is Handled

Inappropriate language and/or behavior will not be tolerated! Inappropriate socialization includes but is not limited to any disrespect to anyone, hands-on, name calling, teasing, etc. When this occurs, the following action will be taken:

  1. The first time inappropriate language/behavior is used, the child will serve the remainder of that day in Aftercare in time out
  2. If the behavior continues, the child will be dismissed from Aftercare for one (1) week
  3. Upon return to Aftercare, if the behavior continues, the child will be dismissed for one (1) month
  4. Upon his return to Aftercare and the behavior still continues, the child will be dismissed from Aftercare the remainder of the school year

A note will be sent home for the parent to sign and return for each offense, before the child can return to the Aftercare program.

Charge Policy

All students in Grades K-6 who have not left the school by 3:30 pm (M-Th or 2:30 pm F) will be placed by the administration in the Aftercare program. Unless the student is on an Aftercare Program annual contract or flexible stamp card rate, the charges will be applied each thirty (30) minutes or fraction thereof, beginning five (5) minutes after the thirty minute time period begins.

There are three options to choose from:

  1. Drop-in basis. The fee is $5.00 for each half hour or part of the half hour until 6:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday or 5:00 p.m. on Friday. After those times, the fee will be $5.00 every ten (10) minutes or portion thereof. This is billed on the student account.
  2. Flex Plan (Grades 1-6 only). The fee is $4.00 for each half hour or part of the half hour until 6:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday or 5:00 p.m. on Friday. After those times, the fee will be $5.00 every ten (10) minutes or portion thereof. The stamp card is $100 per child or $100 per family and comes with 25 half hour increments. The stamp card is prepaid only.
  3. Monthly Contracts. The fee is figured on a monthly basis for the school year. It is an annual fee payable over a nine-month period. The contract covers the period from the first day of school in August through the final day of school in May. If the student is not picked up by 6:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday or 5:00 p.m. on Friday, an additional fee of $5.00 every ten (10) minutes or portion thereof will be billed on the student account.  This is the most economical choice if you need at least 10 days of child care each month.

Students on a monthly contract will be charged a flat rate each month as listed below:

Aftercare Grades K-6 (3:30 pm – 6:00 pm M-Th; 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm F ) — $1,620.00/$180.00 per month

Should your child(ren) withdraw from the program contract, the charges will terminate at the end of the current month. It is the responsibility of the parent(s) to notify the Aftercare Director and the Business Office when a student discontinues the program contract.

Charges for Waiting for Older Student

The Aftercare program is offered as a convenience to parents and is designed to provide supervision for all students waiting for transportation. Parents are encouraged to provide transportation as soon as school is out for the day. Parents will be charged for this service, even if a younger student is waiting for a ride from an older student who either is not dismissed until later, stays to work at school, or is participating in other activities. If it is not an everyday occurrence, you may want to consider the flexible stamp card rate.

After School Activities

Students will be charged for Aftercare if they are waiting for activities after school. These activities include, but are not limited to, music lessons, gymnastics, sporting events, Pathfinder meetings, etc. Students will not be charged if a scheduled bus is delayed. The flexible stamp card option was designed with these situations in mind. It is an economical option in lieu of the drop-in/per diem rate.

Child Pick Up Location

Students are to be picked up at the elementary wing of the school building. Please call the Aftercare line 433-9417 and the Aftercare supervisor will send your child to the doors to meet you.


Thank you for your cooperation in allowing us to care for your child(ren).

Aftercare Line (937) 433-9417