Nalyna Olson, MSN, RN, APRN-NP, CPNP-PC, LSN, is our school nurse. She can be reached at (937) 433-0790 Ext. 143.
The school clinic is located in our main office past the front desk on your left. Children are sent to the office when a medical issue arises to see the school nurse. However, if Mrs. Olson is not on-site, the SVA office staff is trained to assist.
Medical Policy Reminders
Returning to school after an illness requires:
- Absence of excessive coughing, sneezing, and runny noses.
- A doctor’s note to excuse absences after the third consecutive day of a health-related condition.
- Fever/diarrhea/vomit-free for 24 hours without the aid of medication.
- Twenty-four hours since initiation of antibiotics for illnesses requiring antibiotics.
Prescription medication during school hours or on a school-sponsored trip:
- Complete a Medication Authorization Form (to be signed by both medical provider and parent).
- Submit the Medication Authorization Form to the school nurse.
- Parent (not student) is to deliver the medication to the front office in its original pharmacy-labeled container.
- A new Medication Authorization form must be completed for each new school year.
All students are required by the Ohio Department Of Health to have the following immunizations for school attendance:
- All childhood immunizations prior to the entry of Kindergarten.
- Tdap and Meningococcal type A, C, W, Y prior to the entry of 7th grade.
- 2nd Meningococcal type A, C, W, Y prior to the entry of 12th grade.
- For families who choose not to provide immunizations, an exemption form must be turned in annually.